Monday, 25 April 2011

Cosmetic News Magazine Article

Botox® improves Quality of Life    
A study published in Dermatologic Surgery, has shown that patients treated with botulinum toxin Type A or Botox® Cosmetic showed an increase in overall quality of life and self-esteem.
As part of the doubleblind randomised placebo-controlled study, participants were photographed and randomised to receive injections of Botox® Cosmetic to the glabellar area, forehead, and crow’s feet or injections of a saline solution.
Statistically significant improvements in participants treated with Botox® Cosmetic were observed in answers to quality of life questions pertaining to physical health, mood, household activities, overall life satisfaction, body satisfaction, self-consciousness, intellect, self-worth, appearance, comprehension, weight satisfaction, attractiveness, and sense of well-being.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Dental Poll says that Smiles Matter

A new survey reveals that a smile is the most important physical attribute when it comes to attraction, second only to personality.

The poll, carried out on behalf of the British Dental Health Foundation also reveals that only 23% believed the nation had ‘good teeth' and almost half the population was unhappy with their smile or teeth.

The findings are part of National Smile Month, the Foundation's annual campaign geared towards promoting greater oral care for all.

This year the theme is ‘The Smile Factor', and the aim of the campaign is to remind people that their mouth, teeth and smile is fundamental to all aspects of their life – whether career, personality, relationships, attraction or all-round good health.

The clear winner of the survey was personality, with 90% of respondents rating this human attribute highly when it comes to attraction.

A smile came second (56%), closely followed by your face (53%) and eyes (51%).

Dress sense, body shape, hair and height were also measured, with the latter bringing up the rear on 25%.

Of women surveyed, some 60% of women thought that teeth were of high importance.

Chief executive of the Foundation, Dr Nigel Carter, believes even a small gesture like a smile can have a big difference when it comes to your confidence.

He says: ‘It takes 43 muscles to frown, yet it only takes 17 to smile. A simple smile can make others feel at ease around you and can be a powerful show of emotion, yet not everyone has the confidence to do so.

'They say we can all hide behind a smile if you are not happy or are self-conscious about your teeth, and the results of the survey show even though many of us aren't happy with our teeth and do avoid smiling because of their appearance, we're still attracted to the opposite sex by a simple smile.

The theme behind this year's National Smile Month lends itself perfectly to those people who want to get their own smile factor and portray real confidence through a smile.'

Wednesday, 6 April 2011


How to safely whiten your teeth
Time, smoking, tea and coffee are just a few of the things that cause your teeth to yellow and discolour. Whitening is a bit like a facial in that it helps to unlock pores in your tooth so that stains are gently removed leaving teeth cleaner and brighter. Whiter teeth can take years off your appearance. The effects can last up to ten years depending on whether or not you smoke or how much tea, coffee and red wine you drink. Although the teeth themselves whiten well, any fillings or crowns will remain the same colour and may need replacing to match the new lighter colour of your teeth.
All whitening is based on a hydrogen peroxide solution; the only
difference in the hundreds of systems out there is the concentration and the way the solution is applied to your teeth. There are two main ways of carrying out tooth whitening:
1. Tray based. The gel is placed in a custom made night-guard which is worn from one hour to overnight for 7-10 nights depending on the gel.
2. Surgery based otherwise known as laser or power bleaching. Here, more concentrated gels are applied directly to your teeth and accelerated with heat or light (laser/power). Usually a one-hour appointment is needed with maintenance provided with top-up trays.

1. No whitening is permanent. Maintenance is needed to keep that bright smile.
2. Only a dentist can get your teeth to the maximum whiteness.
3. See a dentist first to check teeth are healthy before starting. Teeth and gums can         become permanently sensitive if they are not treated appropriately first.
4. There is no evidence that whitening toothpastes can actually whiten your teeth.
5. Whitening kits can at best do nothing and at worse some of those bought abroad or over the internet can actually harm your teeth as they contain acids/abrasives that can cause permanent damage.

Advice by Dr James Goolnik-Chairman of BACD

Clare retains full membership of the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry

What The BACD Can Do For You

Thanks to advancements in modern cosmetic dental care, you can now achieve the smile of your dreams more easily. Clare is proud to be a full member of the BACD and as such included in the find-a -cosmetic dentist listing.

Venners for Gaps between Teeth

The BACD aims to promote clinical excellence through continuing professional development.
Recent breakthroughs in modern cosmetic dental care have made easier than ever before to change your smile. However, currently any qualified dentist can offer cosmetic dentistry and no UK postgraduate qualification is recognised in cosmetic dentistry. Finding an appropriately skilled cosmetic dentist is essential to ensure treatments are beautiful, natural looking, and successful in the long term. This is where the BACD comes in.
The BACD's find-a-cosmetic dentist service can help members of the public find local BACD cosmetic dentists. To be listed, BACD cosmetic dentists must have carried out a minimum of 75 hours of verifiable post-graduate education in cosmetic dentistry in the last two years.
The BACD helps you achieve the smile of your dreams:
  1. Choose the Right Practitioner: Currently any qualified dentist can offer cosmetic dentistry and no UK postgraduate qualification is recognised in cosmetic dentistry. Finding an appropriately skilled cosmetic dentist is essential to ensure treatments are beautiful, natural looking, and successful in the long term. The BACD helps the public find local practitioners through their directory. To be listed, BACD cosmetic dentists must have carried out a minimum of 75 hours of verifiable post-graduate education in cosmetic dentistry in the last two years.
  2. Portfolio: Make sure you ask them for samples of their work, and request before-and-after photos for review. Testimonials are also very useful, and it’s even better if you are able to contact any past patients who can share their experience. Remember that just because the practitioner may have been your regular dentist for years, they might not be experienced enough in the specific aesthetic procedure you are after.
  3. After-care: Ask your dentist for an estimate of how long the results will last, and advice for maintaining their longevity. What after-care is available, if things don’t go as planned? There should always be a support system in place if something doesn’t go to plan, an ever-present risk if considering cut-price treatments abroad.
  4. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask: Anyone considering any cosmetic dentistry treatments should expect to be fully informed about the entire procedure and side-effects or risks. If there is any information you don’t understand, don’t be afraid to insist on further clarification. Find out if there are other treatments available that solve the problem, and the cost implications.
  5. Lifestyle Factors and Maintenance: The best candidate is a patient who has a healthy mouth to begin with. The results will look better for longer if the person has good eating habits, and maintains strict oral hygiene. Regular check-ups and maintenance are a must to ensure long-term satisfaction, and your practitioner can offer useful tips and recommendations.

Tooth whitening can boost confidence!

Tooth whitening‘can boost confidence’

Cosmetic dentistry could boost people’s self-confidence and help put a spring in their step, it has been claimed.

A Canadian poll suggested that having whiter teeth would help people increase their confidence and see individuals smile and flirt more.

However, only a third of the three-quarters of respondents to the survey who indicated they want whiter teeth have actually tried teeth whiteners.

Commenting on the survey, Toronto-based dentists Dr Charles Botbol suggested that while people may be a little apprehensive about cosmetic tooth whitening "a perfect smile isn’t as unattainable as you may think".

According to the Dental Health website, tooth whitening is "highly effective" when a person wants to lighten the colour of their teeth yet leave surfaces intact.

It states that professional bleaching is the most common tooth whitening procedure.

Other forms of treatment opted for by patients include laser whitening, which is sometimes referred to as power whitening, and involves using a light to activate the chemical used to whiten teeth.

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Porcelain crowns are more expensive for good reasons

When a patient is advised by a dentist that they should invest in porcelain crowns to correct a tooth problem, often one of the main questions is about the cost of the product, which seems hugely expensive. However, after examining all aspects of getting a new porcelain crown, the cost factor becomes more reasonable.

It used to be that  all crowns had a metal base, and that a porcelain product was placed on top of the metal. Modern crowns, however, can be made of pure porcelain. These newer crowns look and perform like real teeth. The appearance is fairly close to actual teeth, as well. This is because crown can now match existing teeth in color and shape.

The old style of crowns ,which is still widley used within the NHS service also have a tendency to develop a black line on the gumline, which is very unattractive. In contrast, the newer crowns have a seam free bond. The newer product produces a look that is very similar to real teeth, and often, the crowns look much better than the tooth that they replaced.

One drawback to the all porcelain replacement teeth is that they cost more to make, and dental laboratories do pass on the extra cost to the customer. This may seem like a hidden cost, but it is merely a cost that needs to be paid for a better product. When the costs are analysed and they are compared to the benefits of the newer products, there are good and reasonable reasons for the bottom line on the bill. Quality counts.

Clare liases with master technicians to produce porcelain crowns of the highest quality. E-max ,manufactured by Ivoclar, is one of the most aesthetic systems available today. Take a look in the smile gallery to see examples of porcelain crowns.

Friday, 1 April 2011

General Dental Coucil....protecting patients, regulating the dental team

Tooth whitening - see your dentist first

We are here to make sure you get the best standards of care and that the public can be confident that the profession is being properly regulated. 

Who can carry out tooth whitening?

We believe that tooth whitening is the practice of dentistry, which is limited to GDC registrants. We have started a test case to prove this in law. 
If you’re thinking about getting tooth whitening, speak to your dentist. A dentist will be able to advise you whether or not you are suitable for tooth whitening treatment. Dentists, hygienists and therapists will be able to discuss the options available to patients along with an estimation of treatment costs.