A new survey reveals that a
smile is the most important physical attribute when it comes to attraction, second only to personality.
The poll, carried out on behalf of the British Dental Health Foundation also reveals that only 23% believed the nation had ‘good teeth' and almost half the population was unhappy with their smile or teeth.
The findings are part of National Smile Month, the Foundation's annual campaign geared towards promoting greater oral care for all.
This year the theme is ‘The Smile Factor', and the aim of the campaign is to remind people that their mouth, teeth and smile is fundamental to all aspects of their life – whether career, personality, relationships, attraction or all-round good health.
The clear winner of the survey was personality, with 90% of respondents rating this human attribute highly when it comes to attraction.
A smile came second (56%), closely followed by your face (53%) and eyes (51%).
Dress sense, body shape, hair and height were also measured, with the latter bringing up the rear on 25%.
Of women surveyed, some 60% of women thought that teeth were of high importance.
Chief executive of the Foundation, Dr Nigel Carter, believes even a small gesture like a smile can have a big difference when it comes to your confidence.
He says: ‘It takes 43 muscles to frown, yet it only takes 17 to smile. A simple smile can make others feel at ease around you and can be a powerful show of emotion, yet not everyone has the confidence to do so.
'They say we can all hide behind a smile if you are not happy or are self-conscious about your teeth, and the results of the survey show even though many of us aren't happy with our teeth and do avoid smiling because of their appearance, we're still attracted to the opposite sex by a simple smile.
The theme behind this year's National Smile Month lends itself perfectly to those people who want to get their own smile factor and portray real confidence through a smile.'